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Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction:

Welcome to Artemyst – where art meets soul. Your privacy is paramount to us. By accessing and using our online gallery, you acknowledge and accept the terms laid out in this policy. We pledge to protect your personal information and uphold the trust you place in us.


  1. Collection of Personal Information:
  • When you engage with our platform – be it creating an account, placing an order, signing up for our newsletter, or participating in our promotions – we gather personal details. This might include your name, email, address, phone number, payment details, and your interaction history on our site.
  • Additionally, as you explore our gallery, we automatically receive your computer’s IP address. This helps us understand your browser preferences and optimizes your browsing experience.


  1. Use and Purpose of Collected Information:
  • Primarily, the information we gather ensures smooth processing and fulfillment of your orders, and helps us provide impeccable customer service.
  • We're also keen on keeping you updated about our products, promotions, and any Artemyst news.
  • Your data aids us in enhancing our website, tailoring your shopping journey, and understanding our audience better.


  1. Consent and Control:
  • When you provide us with personal data for transactions, deliveries, or returns, we deduce that you consent to us collecting and utilizing it for that specific purpose.
  • For other uses, like marketing, we'll directly seek your explicit consent. Always remember, the choice to provide information rests with you, and you can withdraw your consent anytime.


  1. Disclosure and Sharing:
  • Your privacy is our priority. We won’t sell or share your data with unrelated third parties.
  • For operational reasons, we might share information with our service partners – like payment gateways or delivery services – to ensure flawless transactions and impeccable service.
  • We're also bound by law and will share information if legally obliged.
  • All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented, or leased to any third parties.
  • The https://www.artemystart.com/ is not responsible for the privacy policies of websites to which it links. If you provide any information to such third parties different rules regarding the collection and use of your personal information may apply. You should contact these entities directly if you have any questions about their use of the information that they collect.


  1. Security and Protection:
  • We're committed to safeguarding your information. We employ robust security measures to ward off unauthorized access or any potential breaches.
  • While we strive for utmost security, remember that no online method guarantees absolute safety. However, be assured, we're always on our toes to keep your data secure.


  1. Cookies and Browsing:
  • Cookies are tiny text files stored on your device, enhancing your browsing experience. They remember your preferences, ensuring you don't have to reset them with every visit.
  • While cookies refine your online journey, you can opt to refuse them. But, some website features might not work optimally without them.


  1. Changes to the Policy:
  • The digital world evolves, and so do we. We might periodically tweak this policy. Rest assured, any major changes will be communicated, but we advise you to review this policy occasionally.


  1. Reach Out:

Questions, feedback, or concerns? Email us at care@artemystart.com. We're here to assist.


  1. Acknowledgment:

By engaging with Artemyst, you confirm understanding and acceptance of our privacy terms.


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